Energy Work by the Energy Medicine Center in Richmond, Virginia

Energy Work


Hello and welcome to the Energy Medicine Center.

Energy work is any healing art modality that uses energy or healing life force to address illness and disease. Disease results from an imbalance, deficiency or blockage in our body's vital energy. By removing the blockage or stimulating the flow of energy, our body can naturally heal itself.  Energy work encompasses many forms of healing. At the Energy Medicine Center we offer the following types of Energy work

Types of Energy work offers at the Energy Medicine Center:

  • Reiki-Reiki Energy healing techniques employ universal healing energy to activate the natural healing processes of the patient's body and restore physical and emotional well-being. When a Reiki healing session is performed a higher vibration is applied to the body and the body responds by lifting the vibration accordingly.  Reiki energy healing is performed in a quiet, comfortable, calming setting.  The Reiki Master practitioner will ask about your symptoms and have you lie fully clothed on a table so she can scan your aura, chakras or energetic vibration.  Depending on what type of balancing you need your Reiki practitioner may choose to add other modalities if you wish such as crystals, sage, sound therapy or tuning forks in conjunction with the Reiki energy healing sessions.  

  • R.E.M.I. Healing Arts- Decades of healing work and clinical observation has led to the creation of a system of therapy with a strong base in the energetic theory, five elemental philosophy with exceptional if not amazing clinical results.  Remee Energy Medicine and Intuition system of therapies (R.E.M.I. system) is unique a 5 branched system of healing.  The five branches consist of energy work, nature based remedies, acupuncture meridian therapy, intuitive diagnostics, and face reading. These methods are highly effective, gentle and life changing.  Everyone can benefit from this therapy but it is most often used for those that are seeking the next level of well-being that expands into the the spiritual and emotional realms. It is gentle enough to be applied to children, those that are acupuncture needle-averse, those that are severely ill,  as well as those suffering from illnesses of unknown etiology aka "mystery illnesses", and is particularly useful in emotional or energy based disorders.    R.E.M.I. energy work sessions are very relaxing, grounding and balancing.  Depending on the type of imbalance a person is seeking to remedy one may need multiple visits.  Visits are typically 1 hour long.

  • Medical Qi Gong-Medical Qigong is an ancient form of Chinese energetic medicine, healing occurs through balancing qi or electromagnetic energy which surrounds and pervades all  things.  Disruptions in the electromagnetic energy of the body occur throughout our lifetime as results of poor diet, sedentary lifestyle, injuries, surgery, suppression of emotions, and aging. The goal of qigong is to correct these bio-energetic imbalances and blockages. This enables the body to strengthen and regulate the internal organs, the nervous system and the immune system, relieve pain, regulate hormones, and strengthen and release deep-seated emotions and stress.  Medical qigong therapy consists of treatment by a practitioner to regulate the client's qi. After the treatment the client will be given qigong prescriptions to assist in their ongoing healing. Tailored qigong exercises use physical movement, breathing methods and mental intention to correct and restore the function in the body.

  • Esoteric Acupressure Acupuncture treats on more than just the physical level. The nature of acupuncture is to treat the whole person, mental, spiritual and emotional. When acupuncture is applied this way deeper healing can occur and blockages in the energetic being can be cleared. Esoteric acupuncture addresses the auric body and chakras for spiritual, mental, physical and emotional healing. Esoteric Acupuncture employs five element theory, sacred geometry, chakra balancing, kabbalah and very gentle acupuncture for emotional, energetic and chakra balancing

  • Crystal Therapy - Crystals take millions of years to be created by the earth. Crystals are compact packets of earth energy of varied healing abilities.  The chemical structures of crystals imparts them with the ability to hold qi or universal energy. There are different types of crystals, depending on the type of mineral it’s made from and the conditions it grows in. The differences affect the crystal’s energetic properties utilized in Crystal. Crystal healing is a  natural therapy that utilizes the energetic power of crystals and how they affect the body, mind and emotions. A crystal therapist will place healing crystals on or around a client to help unblock, focus and direct energy for a healing purpose.

Energy work in general has no harsh side effects, usually just a feeling of calm, relaxation and an enhanced sense of well-being as an after-effect.  It can be used no matter what prescriptions you may be on, it can be beneficial even when severely ill or even when you have no symptoms as preventative medicine to maintain wellness, it can also be used for people of any age, infant to centenarian.

Remee Gemo has been practicing energywork for 20+ years. Remee is founder and owner of the Energy Medicine Center. She is a licensed acupuncturist, a Golden Path Chinese Face Reader and Reiki Master Teacher. She established her practice in Richmond in 2006 and where she combines Chinese medicine, face reading and energy work. She is the creator of R.E.M.I. Healing arts system and innovator of L.I.F.T. Acupuncture Facial Rejuvenation Technique. She also teaches classes locally in Richmond, VA and many other cities on the west coast.

If you are new to Energy medicine or are a long time fan of the healing arts, please consider us for your healing needs and call for an appointment or complimentary 15 minute consultation.

Why you should have a Face Reading

Face reading or physiognomy is an ancient Chinese method of using various aspects of the face to determine your health status, what your personality is like, what your abilities and talents are, areas of stuck energy or emotions and even how one gets along with certain people.  I rely heavily on face reading to diagnose my patients.  Often on their initial visit they are surprised at how their medical problem is inquired about even before they disclose what disorder they have come to have treated.  Facial reading is so accurate that one can determine the quadrant of the uterus an embryo has implanted in within a few weeks of pregnancy.

As the above examples show face reading is a practical option for health diagnostics.  It is especially useful to those with diseases of unknown etiology or mystery illnesses.  In the least, face reading will give clues as to which body system merits further testing and investigation.  Face reading is reliable for finding hormonal imbalances, metabolic disorders, origins of disease, immune system problems, digestive issues, assessing reproductive soundness and organ weaknesses among other issues. Chinese face reading is most beneficial in preventative care, where the weaknesses in a system can be discovered and addressed before diseases appear, sometimes even thwarting the illness.  I once had a patient that came in for a general health reading.  I saw some tooth and bone issues from certain characteristics of her face and when I inquired about any tooth or bone problems she said that those issues had never been problematic for her.  Unfortunately, she called back two weeks later to report that two of her molars had broken and when the dentist investigated further it was due to a severe weakness in her jaw bone that resulted in not just replacing the broken teeth but also a series of surgeries to graft new bone into her jaw.  

Another application of Chinese face reading is identifying personality traits. It is possible to identify unique preferences, defining attitudes, individual mannerisms, tendencies and personal characteristics.  Just a few of the many personality traits that might be gleaned from physiognomy are introvert vs an extrovert, if one makes decisions on research, practicality or emotions, and if one is artistic, mechanically inclined or a reading aficionado.

In face reading it is also possible to discover talents that may be known as well as unknown.  Abilities passed down from previous generations or inherent to our family line that enhance life can be uncovered to encourage further growth in areas in which we may not realize we have gifts.  A face reading that readily exemplifies this was a woman whose talents according to her face seem to lay in two completely contrasting areas, mathematics and dance.  I inquired as to her involvement in either and she said that she was an accountant by trade and had been dancing ballroom for decades.


Matchmaking is another arena in which face reading can be employed.  In ancient China face reading was a good tool in assessing a good marital match.  In modern day, face reading can be used to trouble-shoot problems such as differing communication styles, expectations or perspectives that may cause friction in a relationship.  For those that are single advice about the most auspicious facial features to look for in a mate can be extrapolated from an analysis of your own face to pare down potential candidates.  Other ways face reading can help in interpersonal relationships is via analysis of workgroup dynamics and employee hiring/firing consultations.

An additional application of Chinese face reading is to identify old emotional traumas.  Many imbalances and health issues are rooted in unprocessed or stuck emotional energy and childhood trauma.  This may help add clarity to the origin of current mental, emotional or physical states thereby aiding in the resolution or remedy of those imbalances.

Career counseling is a point of inquiry that face reading easily addresses. Different features on a face help determine one’s calling by identifying one’s strengths and weaknesses. This is often used by those that are feeling unfulfilled in their work to sleuth out what options would be a more satisfying occupation. I had read a young man who had strong facial features for an engineer with a notable but less profuse characteristics of a creative. He disclosed that he had recently switched his art major to engineering because although he enjoyed art the problem-solving aspect of engineering fascinated him more.

Finally, forecasting the decades of our lives to come and interpreting years that have passed is possible with face reading.   Evaluating certain ages, poignant aspects of our past that may strongly influence our future and flagging future years that may be difficult in order to prepare or correct for them is an advantage of face reading.

Overall, face reading can be helpful in a myriad of ways to improve your life, relationships, and health.  If you are interested in more information or to schedule a face reading please use the contact information below. 

Instagram: FaceReaderRemee

Facebook: Energy Medicine Center

For Classes or to schedule a face reading contact us today

Reiki at the Energy Medicine Center

Reiki at the Energy Medicine Center in Richmond, Va

Reiki is a energy based healing modality.  It utilizes high vibration universal energy to balance, energize and expedite healing of the body.  When one is sick, emotionally stressed or fatigued the energy of the body vibrates at a lower level.  This lower vibration allows disease, mental/emotional distress and general malaise to manifest.  

When a Reiki session is performed a higher vibration is applied to the body and the body responds by lifting the vibration accordingly.  Reiki is performed in a quiet, comfortable, calming setting.  Your Reiki practitioner will ask about your symptoms and have you lie fully clothed on a table so she can scan your aura, chakras or energetic vibration.  Depending on what type of balancing you need your practitioner may choose to add other modalities if you wish such as crystals, sage, sound therapy or tuning forks in conjunction with the Reiki.  


During the session your Reiki practitioner will lightly  hold their hands over or on your head, shoulders, ribs, abdomen, back, knees, elbows and feet.  Many feel relaxed, rejuvenated, energized, de-stressed and grounded after their treatment.  Many times symptoms will abate or a general sense of wellbeing will be felt.  Often those being treated with Reiki will fall asleep. 

Reiki can address a wide variety of symptoms such as digestive disorders, immune system deficiencies, stress, greif, depression, anxiety, pain and fatigue.

Call or text us at 804-931-0979 to find out if Reiki can help you.  Or if you are interested in become a healing practitioner of Reiki please check out our calendar for Reiki classes and clinics. 

Remote Reiki
from $180.00

A remote session of Reiki is effective, safe and just as powerful as in person Reiki. Reiki uses divine healing energy therefore time and space cannot contain the effects of its healing. Reiki is a method by which universal healing energy is being used to encourage the body’s recuperation, efficiency and improve the mood or repair the auric and physical body.  Reiki is beneficial in many ways some of which are the treatment of mental emotional disorders, boosting the immune system, improving energy levels, management of pain, stress relief and harmonizing emotions. Your Reiki practitioner will call you before the session, then will conduct the Reiki while you rest comfortably and then will call you at the end to discuss your session and other details of imbalances, auric cleansing, and any messages received during your session.


We also offer discounted Multiple Session Packages, please select at below:

3 - 60min sessions - $525 ($175/visit)
6 - 60min sessions - $1020 ($170/visit)
9 - 60min sessions - $1485 ($165/visit)
12 - 60min sessions - $1920 ($160/visit)

Session Length:
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R.E.M.I. Medicine Where Energy Healing and Intuition Meet

2017-10-15 11.16.36.jpg

Decades of healing work and clinical observation has allowed me to create system of therapy with a strong base in the energetic theory, five elemental philosophy with exceptional if not amazing clinical results.  Remee Energy Medicine and Intuition system of therapies (R.E.M.I. system) is unique a 5 branched system of healing.  The five branches consist of energy work, nature based remedies, acupuncture meridian therapy, intuitive diagnostics, and face reading.

The energy work branch is a mixture of Reiki, Chinese yin yang theory, and chakra therapy.  Energy can be influenced by the physical, mental or spiritual aspects of our being.  Often I find at he core of disease emotions are the basis of many physical ailments.

The nature based remedies include plant or herbal therapies, medicinal tea, aromatherapy and crystal healing.  These are modalities that help by supporting the physical body systems and boosting available energy for healing.

The acupuncture meridian therapy branch relates to use of acupressure, esoteric acupuncture and  acupoint stimulation methods.  This ancient system has a myriad of applications, I like to teach my patients how to utilize points that can best serve the maintenance of their emotional and physical well-being. 

The intuitive diagnostic branch is utilized to diagnose the energetic imbalances, evaluate auric disturbances, identify areas of disease or blockage and determine best treatment methods to apply.  Medical Intuition, auric scanning, and dowsing are a few of the methods used.

The last branch consists of facial reading which can diagnose imbalance, show energetic flow or blockage, identify important life patterns and discover a person's life path and where adherence or avoidance of that path has caused disharmony.

These methods are highly effective, gentle and life changing.  
Everyone can benefit from this therapy but it is most often used for those that are seeking the next level of well-being that expands into the the spiritual and emotional realms. It is gentle enough to be applied to children, those that are acupuncture needle-averse, those that are severely ill,  as well as those suffering from illnesses of unknown etiology aka "mystery illnesses", and is particularly useful in emotional or energy based disorders.    

R.E.M.I. energy work sessions are very relaxing, grounding and balancing.  Depending on the type of imbalance a person is seeking to remedy one may need multiple visits.  Visits are typically 1 hour long.  Contact us via phone, email or text to set up your treatment.  

To learn more about becoming a R.E.M.I. system practitioner please contact us below. Or check for upcoming R.E.M.I. classes on our calendar (private classes can also be requested).

What happens in a Face Reading?

When people find out I am a Chinese Face reader there are usually 2 responses:

The eyes reflect the "Shen" or spirit in Chinese Face Reading .

The eyes reflect the "Shen" or spirit in Chinese Face Reading .

1) They look away trying to hide their faces. 


2) They point at a feature and ask "What does this mean?"

The uniqueness and rarity of Chinese Face Reading renders it a curiosity and a good conversation starter (or ender).  Just to set things straight, just like an accountant probably doesn't walk around wondering if everyone they meet has paid their quarterly taxes I don't automatically analyze everyone I run into.  

Face reading is an ancient Chinese method of using various aspects of the face to determine what your personality is like, what your abilities and talents are, areas of stuck energy and emotion, health status and even how all one gets along with certain people.

At the Energy Medicine Center Facial Analysis or Chinese Face Reading is offered in increments of  half-hour, hour or two hour sessions.  You would set the appointment up by emailing us for an appointment.  Then you would email or text a few selfies of your face in natural light with no makeup once you have set your appointment date.  These photos allow me to do a general analysis but since photographs can be misleading with facial proportions the more detailed information comes when we meet face to face (pun intended).  

To prep for your face reading make sure you have nothing done in the week prior that would inflame or alter your face or skin.  This may give false information when it is merely the effects of a skin peel facial or botox that has changed the information on your face.  Additionally, people ask if a facelift or cosmetic procedures have an effect on the read.  So long as you disclose to me what procedures you have had done I can usually take those details into consideration while conducting the reading.  Also bring a notebook as there will be a lot of information covered.

During the Chinese Face Reading session I will ask you what you are interested in covering.  This can be anything from health, undiscovered talents, career choices, how you get along or don't get along with certain people (you will need a photo of the person in question), if you are a romantic or business match to another person or group, forecasting future decades, and/or emotions/energy that may be stuck at certain ages.  

As we are conducting the Chinese Face Reading we will be going back and forth with information.  What I mean by that is Chinese Face Reading is not like a tarot card reading where information is delivered straight from the cards.  In Chinese Face Reading your face is a map that shows me where to look, what to look for and I will occasionally ask some questions because your memories contain the details and stories that complete your life's narrative.  

Chinese Face Reading is something I suggest should be done at least once a year, but in times of transition, divorce, breakups, "stuckness", changing career or with relationship problems face reading can be an invaluable tool to get you "unstuck" provide guidance and allow you to find happiness in uncovering your authentic self.

Set up your appointment with Remee for a face reading by calling/texting (804) 931-0979 or emailing 

Face Reading Session
from $90.00

An in depth Face Reading by a Master Face Reader Remee analyzes features of your face that can improve your understanding of yourself, your personality and your purpose. Face Reading can be used to determine where your energies or emotions may be stuck or in what ways you may be not be living according to your path. Ancient Chinese facial maps are used to identify areas of disharmony in the body as well as traumatic physical and emotional events in ones life that have impacted a healthy energy flow. It is helpful guidance in identifying strengths, talents and personality traits to focus your journey of self discovery or to determine what is your path in life.

Current Scheduling options will be emailed to you after checkout

Please select a price:
30min - $90
60min -$180
90min - $270
60min per couple - $225

We also offer discounted Multiple Session Packages, please select at below:

3 visits - $525 ($175/visit)
6 visits - $1020 ($170/visit)
9 visits - $1485 ($165/visit)
12 visits - $1920 ($160/visit)

Session Length:
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Spirit Animal Guides: Bats

October is the most beautiful and mysterious month of the year. Trees dress up in wonderful shades of red, orange, yellow, even purple to celebrate the end of the growing season. When the party is over, the hardworking leaves are released to dance, celebrating their freedom waltzing on an autumn breeze.

Hallowe’en approaches and our thoughts turn to costume parties, candy, and children dressing up as superhero alter-egos. Decorations for the season always include skeletons and pumpkins and also those animals associated most closely with darkness and the supernatural, bats.

Cooler autumn temperatures make it an ideal time to trim shrubs and trees, preparing for winter. Living on the edge of a rapidly encroaching forest, this is a never-ending task. We have a small round pen for training horses set close to our house. It is shaded by a towering tulip poplar. Keeping the lower limbs trimmed is important, as they often reach over the railing of the pen at just the right height to give a mouthful of leaves to an inattentive rider. Tulip poplar leaves don’t taste great but they have a lemony scent.

Who knew that Virginia’s Little Brown Bats find tulip trees and ideal place to roost during the day? This l learned when a sleepy Bat dropped on my shoulder, attached to a small branch that had just been trimmed. I wasn’t sure exactly what was on the branch, as Bat was still asleep with wings curled closely around his body. As I bent down to peer more closely, Bat opened eyes and mouth and it was immediately apparent how the Dracula and vampire legends began!  Those fangs!!  That hissing!


Bat uncurled his wings and crawled towards me, exciting the porch cats and the dogs. Fearing the worst for all of us, I shooed the cats and rounded the dogs back into the house. Bat continued to crawl, its tiny feet dragging his body and extended wings. Not sure what to do, or if Bat was injured, my first thought was to contact my niece Laura, who is a bat expert. She studied the cause and effects of White- Nose Syndrome on bats for her Master’s degree. (See below for more information on this devastating disease.)  While waiting for a response from Laura, I texted pictures of Bat to my sisters. I got exactly the responses I expected… “Get to the E.R. NOW!”  “Call your doctor!” “Is there an Urgi-Care center close by?”  “Haven’t YOU had a rabies vaccine?  I mean you live with all of those animals…” And my favorite, “This is why I never visit you.”

I was fairly certain Bat had not bitten me on his way from tree branch to ground. But I didn’t want Bat injured or any of the house pets to be bitten, so I ran to the garage for my go-to wild life rescue equipment – the cardboard box. Bat was still struggling to crawl and I felt guilty for knocking him out of his roost.  In my defense, I had no idea bats roosted in trees. Plus, he looked a lot like a twisted dead leaf before he spread his wings and bared his fangs.


Placing the box on the ground in front of Bat, I encouraged him with another leafy branch to move forward. Once in the box I quickly closed the lid. Now what?  Still no response from my niece, so I carried Bat-In-The-Box out further into the woods and slowly slid him out, onto a fallen tree.  He flapped his wings, bared his impressive fangs, hissed what I am quite sure was “thank you” and then folded his wings tight to his body. Not sure what more I could do, I returned home to clean up the cut branches, keeping my cardboard box close at hand, just in case I discovered any more bats.

Laura returned my call and reassured me that I would most certainly know it if an angry hissing bat had flown at me and bit me!  She also advised that Bat was most likely not injured. Bats must crawl up a tree to a certain height before they can fly. I had taken him to a perfect spot in the woods, close to tall trees where he could climb high enough to once again spread his wings in flight.

We often see bats flying at night over our pond, feasting on mosquitos. They emerge from their roosts or caves, swooping and gliding, relying on their senses to guide them. Bat reminds us to trust in our senses and follow our instincts. They show us how to live in harmony, as they do in their caves, sharing space with many others while respecting individual boundaries.

My favorite message from Bat is to look at the world from a different perspective, as he does, awakening from sleep hanging upside down and allowing his senses to guide his moonlit adventures.

White-nose Syndrome

The U.S. bat population is being threatened by White-nose Syndrome (WNS), a disease affecting hibernating bats. WNS is spreading across the country. The disease is named for the white fungus that infects skin of the muzzle, ears, and wings of hibernating bats. Infected bats also often display abnormal behaviors in their hibernation sites, such as movement toward the mouth of caves and daytime flights during winter. These activities cause the bats to quickly use up their stored fat reserves causing emaciation and death. It is estimated that the bat population has declined by approximately 80% since the emergence of WNS. Recovery is not expected quickly, as bats are long-lived and have only a single pup each year. Scientists continue to study WNS to determine its cause. Loss of the bat population may have significant ecological impacts as they consume significant amounts of harmful insects such as mosquitos.

Hallowe’en wouldn’t be the same without their winged silhouette in the sky.


Wondering what your furry friends may want to communicate to you? Contact Beth Cavalier for an animal communication or Reiki session with an email to:




My Native American Heritage

St. John's Wort

St. John's Wort

This morning as I walked down my woods road, I started seeing plants in bloom that I had not seen in a while. These are amazing, powerful healing plants. Here they are on my land, in flower and speaking to me! These are plants I know!  Plants I have used to help me heal over the years.  When I woke up this morning, I felt pain in my neck and lower back. As amazing as it may seem to some, these are plants that help with neck and back pain. The plants I need to heal.

As I stood there, I looked to get a count of the plants and took note where they chose to grow and thrive.  Thinking to myself, should I harvest these plants? After some thought, I decided to leave them, hoping they would multiply in the future. I had a feeling that if I checked my home apothecary when I went inside, they would be there, ready to help me heal!

Sometimes I need a reminder to take care of my body! I feel Mother Gia is always there, I just need to be aware somedays more than others. I’m grateful that I live in a house within the forest! As I walk, I like to think my Native American Great Grandmother is showing me the plants that will heal.

 I live in the Piedmont of Virginia, close to the Fall Line that separates the Piedmont from the Coastal Plain. Most of the topsoil has been eroded away, due to the farming techniques that were used by the early settlers. By the time of the Civil War, approximately 10% of this area was left in forest. I’m happy to say that today, 60% of this land has reverted back to forest.

Two of the healing herbs I saw today are St John’s wort (Hypericum perforatum) (left) and Lobelia (Lobelia inflata).  St. John’s wort flowering tops make a dark red tincture or oil. It has antiviral and anti-inflammatory properties and is used topically and internally for spinal injuries, nerve pain, sciatica and so much more.

Lobelia is used as a fresh herb in flower and seeds. It was used for thousands of years by Native Americans. Lobelia is a strong antispasmodic to the lungs, heart and musculo- skeletal system. Lobelia seed oil is used for muscle tension, muscle spasm, back pain and neck pain.

Both these plants are native to Virginia and grow in the forest. These plants are herbal medicine.

Talk to a qualified expert, before using any herbs you’re unfamiliar with.  Make sure you can positively ID any plant before harvesting it and always make sure you leave enough of the plant to prevent the extinction of its present on our earth. 



Shirlea is an herbalist and owner of Forestree Farmacy LLC.  She sees clients & teaches classes at EMC. She also teaches the forest medicines through her planned spring and fall walks in Virginia.  Shirlea makes herbal remedies from plants she wild-crafts from the forest as well as medicinal plants she grows in her gardens.  See EMC website for more information on future classes. 

What to Expect During an Energy-Work Healing Session          

Healing is a process. It is not always a “cure,” but it is always getting to a different, usually better, place. Healing is holistic: physical, emotional, mental and spiritual. Often, what feels like physical pain has its origin in emotions or spirit. Emotional pain can be caused by something physical. The symptoms often do not reflect the cause. Usually, we must remove the pain, discomfort or disease in layers – over time – just like peeling an onion. Frequently, the root cause cannot be directly addressed unless other issues are dealt with first.


Our bodies are miraculous in their innate self-healing wisdom. Our role in healing is to assist, then get out of the way. We can do that by learning good self-care practices and recognizing that everything is energy: food, thoughts, money, verbal expression, attitudes, beliefs, and the people and environments around us. Usually, we must invite some change into our lives to heal.


Healing Touch and Reiki are two energy-work protocols that can help you reach a state of deep relaxation in body, mind and spirit. It is from this place of deep rest that your body can begin to heal itself. I combine the two protocols in every session, which is done on a massage table in a safe, relaxing setting. Clothing remains on, except for shoes, belts, certain jewelry, and eyeglasses. Both Healing Touch and Reiki involve light touch on energy centers and along energy meridians of the body. When working to clear the bio-field surrounding the body, there is no touch. Sessions last 1.5 hours. We typically talk a bit before and after the session, but most of the time is spent on the relaxing treatment.


Many people feel better after just one session; others see that they must take time to patiently and lovingly peel away layers of imbalance and pain. Whatever your situation, know that I will appreciate your trust, value your confidentiality, and bring all that I have to assist you with your own self-healing.


Call Joy Black at 804-971-7135 to make an energy work appointment or check our calendar to find out when her next Qigong class will be.

Animal Spirit Guides

Sometimes messengers come in many forms.

Sometimes messengers come in many forms.

When our spirit guides have a message for us, they can be persistent about providing signs. Animal spirit guides are no different. Last evening, while preparing for my evening yoga practice, I felt very strongly a sensation of being watched. I was alone in the room except for a sleeping puppy. I tried to shake the feeling but it was growing stronger by the minute. So I stood still and allowed the feeling to wash over me. My eyes were guided towards the ceiling above the fireplace mantel, where I spied a giant wolf spider. I have always had a fear of spiders. So many eyes! So many legs! So many opportunities to sneak up on me! Age and education about spiders has alleviated that fear to some extent and I’ve grown to appreciate the beauty of spiders and their intricate and varied webs and importance to the ecosystem. However, when one sees a spider the size of one’s palm, well…  suffice it to say that it was not a comfortable moment for me. (Especially as I have what Jerry Seinfeld once comically referred to as Man Hands. I can easily reach an octave on a piano with room to spare.)

Spider had her eyes focused on me and so after my breathing returned to a normal rate, I turned my focus to her. I haven’t spent much time communicating with arachnids but I felt her reassurance that she meant no harm. In turn I reassured Spider that I would see her safely returned to the outdoor world. To facilitate this, I politely asked her to move towards the window so I could open it and let her out. She politely refused. I enlisted the help of my spouse, who after his initial exclamation of “That spider has FANGS!” quickly set up a catch and release system involving a shoe box and an open french door. I say quickly, but this operation took at least 20 minutes because of my need to periodically run from the room to shake off the sensation of spiders crawling on me.

Once we agreed that using sticks, brooms, and other such items were out of the question as we could unintentionally harm Spider, the question was how to compel Spider to move out the door, or failing that, to compel her safely into the box so we could carry her out the door. I tried ting sha chimes – perhaps high frequency sound would help. Nope. Chanting because I thought maybe she’d object to the sound of my voice. Nope. She wasn’t moving until she had delivered her message. So I focused on Spider and her energy field. And it hit me. Spiders are spirit guides of creativity, encouraging us to express ourselves through written words. I suddenly understood why in recent weeks I had seen more spiders in our house than we had seen in the past decade. It took a very big spirit guide Spider to get my attention.

Aha! In the soft glow of the light bulb that now appeared over my head, I promised Spider that I would begin to write. I would journal! Record my lucid dreams! You can go back outside now Spider. Nope, Spider didn’t move. I could almost hear her sighing at my denseness. She stared at me, I stared back. The light bulb over my head glowed a tiny bit brighter and it came to me - I’ll write that blog I’d promised. I felt Spider think “finally!” and could swear she was shaking her head in frustrated approval.

And yet, she stayed up there by the ceiling, staring down at me. Finally, I lit a smudge stick, offered her thanks for bringing her message and again encouraged her to vacate the house and move outdoors to a more spider-friendly environment. As the smudge smoke drifted towards her, she waved one leg in farewell and then began slowly spinning down a silk thread of webbing, landing gently in the shoe box. 

My husband, patiently waiting for Spider and I to finish our interactions, grabbed the box, courageously pausing at the open door to ask just where exactly he should set Spider down. Fortunately, Spider was not inclined to leave the shoe box to crawl up his arm and she was safely delivered to the woods behind the house.

As a child, I loved to write, jotting down silly poems, song lyrics, story ideas. As an adult my writing has been confined to emails, texts, policy documents and program evaluations. Pretty dry, straight-forward stuff. As my federal career draws to a close, Spider has come to show me that it’s time to again explore the creativity of the written word.

Take note of the wildlife that you encounter in daily life. When you see or hear an animal, bird, insect, etc. that isn’t normally about, pay attention. If you suddenly find yourself seeing the same creature over and over, ask yourself, is this a messenger? Ask the animal, what message do you have for me? Allow time and space for the answer to be made clear. There are many books and websites that can help you interpret what messages are associated with an animal. Don’t discount your own feelings about the symbolism of that animal. Use your intuition to guide your understanding. Consider the natural traits of the animal. Do you recognize those traits in yourself? Perhaps you could benefit from developing one or two of those traits.

The natural world has so much information and wisdom to impart. Open your eyes and ears and heart and let it all in! 


Beth Cavalier of Changing Seasons Healing Arts is an animal communicator, Reiki Master and EMC instructor- contact her for a session here.

What to expect during a Medical Qigong Treatment

 What to Expect During a Medical Qigong Treatment      

Medical Qigong is one of the four branches of Traditional Chinese Medicine, which are: acupuncture, herbs and diet, massage therapy and medical qigong. It is a powerful energetic healthcare protocol for releasing stress and emotional buildup, restoring energy flow, establishing healing mind-body connections, and rebuilding organ strength. It works with the body’s internal energy centers and pathways and with the surrounding bio-field. Medical Qigong assists the body to activate its innate self-healing capability by correcting the root cause of illness, which is always an internal imbalance. It treats the overall imbalance instead of the specific medical condition or symptom, such as a headache or poor digestion. Treatment of the imbalance nearly always results in diminishing or eliminating the symptoms. 

Medical Qigong involves knowledge of the different energetic characteristics of the internal organs and organ systems, the nervous and immune systems, and the various tissues of the body. It is a holistic modality that addresses the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual aspects of one’s life and health.

Anyone can receive Medical Qigong. It is beneficial as a treatment for acute and chronic illness, as well as a powerful preventative or maintenance treatment. It can also be an excellent adjunct therapy to Western medicine for specific diseases of all types. It is used today alongside western medicine in hospitals across China and has garnered respect in the U.S. and around the world in recent decades.

Specifically, Medical Qigong can address many common ailments or health concerns, including physical, mental or emotional stressors. These can include:

• physical pain (including joint pain)

• high blood pressure

• digestive issues

• headaches

• anxiety or depression

• organ weakness and disease (kidney, bladder, reproductive, heart, lung, small-and-large-intestine, liver, gallbladder, spleen, pancreas and stomach)

• mental fog

• general overall body weakness, sluggish/slow energy, lower back pain/stiffness/weakness, chronic fatigue, and more.

The Medical Qigong treatment is done on a massage table in a safe, relaxing setting. Clothing remains on, except for shoes, belts, certain jewelry, and eyeglasses. Medical Qigong involves a combination of light touch, acupressure and sweeping movements along energy meridians of the body. When working to clear the bio-field surrounding the body, there is no touch. One specific Medical Qigong technique, called Chi Nei Tsang (which translates to “energy of inner organs”), also involves massage of internal organs within the torso and abdomen. This helps the patient release emotions held deep within the organs and tissues of the body, which can cause energy blocks and ultimately, dis-ease.

The initial Medical Qigong session will take about two hours; follow-up sessions are about 1.5 hours. Part of that time is spent teaching certain guiding principles of Chinese medicine, and Qigong self-care practices, but most of the time is the Medical Qigong treatment. The session will end with written prescriptions for the patient—not for medicines or herbs, but for specific Medical Qigong practices to be done at home to support the healing process between sessions and to improve self-care. In this regard, Medical Qigong is a real partnership between the practitioner and patient toward resolving the patient’s healthcare concerns.

Call Joy Black at 804-971-7135 to make a Qigong appointment or check our calendar find out when her next Qigong class will be.

Intuition & psychic ability development in Richmond, Virginia with the Energy Medicine Center

Intuition or psychic development is an easily developed skill that with the proper training and education can be noticeably improved in a matter of hours.  In working with students who are overwhelmed, are at a loss for what avenues to pursue, or need a trusted source of guidance the Energy Medicine Center has developed a program that allows one to train at their own pace, meet other like-minded people and specialize in their arena of preferred intuition be it healing, clairvoyance, remote viewing/psychic tracking, working with guides or a combination of the many diverse arenas of psychic study offered.

Methods of how to access, enhance and improve accuracy are the basis of lectures followed by an exercise to practice the desired talent in a safe, supportive environment.  Simple explanations of how energy and vibration play a role as well as energetic hygeine or protection techniques are discussed and questions are always welcome.