Crystal Therapy

Richmond, Virginia


Crystal Therapy by Energy Medicine Center

Crystal therapy can be used alone or with another modality.  Crystals are stones, semi-precious gems and minerals chosen according to your energetic, auric and health balancing abilities.  Crystals are pure earth energy with individualized and specific vibrations to treat a wide assortment of emotional and physical symptoms.  Sessions are relaxing, grounding and are the perfect addition to add an extra boost of calm to other therapies.

Crystal Therapy - Crystals are stones, semi-precious gems and minerals chosen according to their energetic, auric and health balancing abilities. Crystals take millions of years to be created by the earth. Crystals are compact packets of earth energy emboding varied healing abilities.  The chemical structures of crystals imparts them with the ability to hold qi or universal energy. There are different types of crystals, depending on the type of mineral it’s made from and the conditions it grows in. The differences affect the crystal’s energetic properties.

Crystal healing is a  natural therapy that utilizes the energetic power of crystals and how they affect the body, mind and emotions.  For example a person that is anxious and worriesome would benefit from crystals that are grounding.  On the other hand if someone tends toward depression crystals with a high vibration would lift their mood.  

Conditions that respond favorably to crystal therapy are stress, headaches, allergies, nervous stomach, anxiety, depression, greif, fatigue, pain, inflammation, low immune system, heartache, sleeplessness and mental emotional disorders.  

Crystals can also be used to catalyze deeper healing.  Unprocessed emotions, greif, heartache, anger and fears that have not been addressed or healed can be gently brought to the surface to clear.  By clearing old emotions one feels lighter and less energetically emotionally burdened freeing up all the energy that was trapped in harboring those old emotions.

Crystals can also be used to clear negative energy from the aura and chakras.  Crystals can be used to focus, disperse, strengthen, lift or move energy within the aura and chakras.

Crystals can also be used to amplify the effects of manual therapies like acupressure.  Depending on your imbalances different acupuncture points can be stimulated by crystals.  This method provides double the therapeutic effect due to the integration of crystal energy and acupressure therapy.  Reflexology and massage can be enhanced with crystals. 

A crystal therapist will place healing crystals on or around a client to help unblock, focus and direct energy for a healing purpose.  There are no negative side effects to crystal therapy.  Crystal therapy can be used alone or with another modality.  Sessions are relaxing, grounding and are the perfect addition to add an extra boost of calm to other therapies. Schedule your session here.

Crystal healing is a convenient safe and effective method of healing. If you are interested in learning all about crystals, how to use them in healing, for emotional balancing, enhancing your environment and in feng shui please contact us for crystal classes.

Call or text 804-931-0979