Private Classes at EMC

Richmond, Virginia


Request a Private Class at EMC

Some classes and group sessions can serve as a unique team building exercise, a girl’s night out, or a date night activity and can be scheduled at a time of your choosing as a private class.  If you have any questions about classes, are interested in a specific focus of a class or would like to combine classes please contact us for a made to order experience.  

If there is a class that you are interested in but would like to schedule at a specific time, with a group of your choosing or as an individual one on one class please contact us about our private classes.  A $50 private class fee is assessed for private classes with under 4 participants plus the cost of the class.  In private classes with 5 or more participants the $50 private class fee is dropped.

New classes are always being added check back often or drop us a request for a specific class and don’t forget to sign up for our newsletter to keep updated!

Please contact us today about scheduling a private class. Call or text 804-931-0979


EMC private classes offered 2022/23

5 Element Personality Typing

Learn personality types according to the Chinese nature-based 5 elements cycle. Analyze and predict aspects such as the characteristics that make a Water personality introspective, how a talkative Fire personality can stay grounded, what health disorders each type is prone to as well as what types harmonize best and how to correct for disharmony in types.  Find out if you are a fire, earth, metal, water or wood type and what your strengths and weaknesses are.  Very useful class if you work with the public or in sales. * FYI Pre-requisite class to & About Face & Face reading class.
Instructor- Remee Gemo

5 Element Philosophy

The Ancient Chinese classified all things into a universal theory called “Wu Xing” or 5 elements. These natural energies interact with each other and generate one another in a predictable way. These predictable interactions can be used to analyze, understand and manipulate many aspects of life including, but not limited to, relationships, personality types, food, organizing spaces, economics, business, sex, health etc. “Understand five element theory and you can rule the world.”
Instructor- Remee Gemo

5 Elements of Emotions (The Effects of Emotions on Healing & Health)

Emotions can be our greatest passions or deepest traumas. Learn to decipher the Ancient Chinese way of understanding the emotions and how they relate to the 5 Element Cycle. Learn how to transform areas of stuckness, identify core emotions in ourselves and others, and how to maintain contentment and balance.
Instructor- Remee Gemo

5 Elements of Face Reading

Knowing 5 elemental theory is a general guideline to interpreting faces. Identify the correlations of the five elements and facial characteristics. We will analyze your faces to translate the aspects of health, talents, abilities, personality and destiny according to the five elements.
Instructor- Remee Gemo

Acupressure Facial Massage for Anti-Aging

We will encourage the facial skin to become more supple, increase circulation, improve complexion, and alleviate sagging and wrinkles with an ancient form of bodywork called Tuina and acupressure.  Utilizing certain types of pressure and tuina moves, one can encourage more balanced health, invigorate and strengthen systems related to anti-aging, and encourage the healthy circulation of Qi or healing energy in the face.  Cost $45
Instructor- Remee Gemo

Acupressure Healing with Crystals

Learn a novel way to combine the power of crystals with the body’s own healing ability through the meridians and acu-points in order to improve and manage a variety of illnesses.  Cost $45
Instructor- Remee Gemo

Acupressure for Health Maintenance:

Wellness at your fingertips! Learn how to treat headaches, sinuses/allergies, digestive disorders and stress by pressing on specific acupuncture points on the body, also known as acupressure. We will also cover disease prevention and heath maintenance protocol.
Instructor- Remee Gemo

Acupressure for Stress Relief and Longevity:

Learn self-care health maintenance via Acupressure on acupuncture points. This class utilizes the ancient healing art of acupuncture without needles- you are taught what acupuncture points treat different stress patterns and which points to use to promote longevity and health as well as a variety of non-needle methods to stimulate points.
Instructor- Remee Gemo

Auras: Care and Maintenance (aka Auras Intensive)

3 hour intensive: Auras are energetic fields around your body.  Using a variety of tools and psychic senses we will practice exercises in feeling, seeing, interpreting, clearing & maintaining auras.
Instructor- Remee Gemo

Basic Feng Shui

Feng Shui Basics--Feng Shui is the Chinese art of placement.  We will discuss a basic feng shui layout, how to place furniture or choose a room’s purpose according to its physical attributes, feng shui do/don’t/cures and enhancements to support your life. Bring a measured layout of the space (informal floor plan) you would like to feng shui.
Instructor- Remee Gemo


Ceromancy, an ancient technique of divination, is casting melted wax into water and reading the shapes and pictures formed by the wax. This is a method of divining that combines elements of Fire (Pyromancy) and Water (Hydromancy) to enhance perception or gain knowledge about questions or situations.
Instructor- Remee Gemo

Chakras Intensive

2 hour intensive: Chakras are vortices of energy along the midline of the body.  These energy centers contract, expand and spin due to a variety of emotional, spiritual and physical circumstances.  Learn what disorders and emotional states are related to each chakra.  We will do a chakra meditations and have a practicum consisting of finding, comparing and rebalancing chakras. Bring your pendulums and crystals if you’d like to practice crystal layouts and reiki on the chakras.  Instructor- Remee Gemo Learn what chakras are, how they pertain to our life and health, what imbalances in chakras manifest as, and simple techniques to manage and improve our energetic health.
Instructor- Remee Gemo

Crystal Basics

Crystals are a beautiful manifestation of Earth Energy. Learn the qualities, uses and healing properties of various crystals for healing, feng shui and to enhance your life. Classes need not be taken in any particular order.  Focus will be on shape variations, cleansing methods, some functions and student questions. Bring a few crystals to class if you have them. 

Instructor- Remee Gemo

Crystal Sphere Acupressure & Qi-Massage: Self-care with crystals

Relaxing 2 hour class. Utilize your crystal spheres for improving your health, decreasing your stress, alleviating aches and pains, treating headache, hormonal symptoms and digestive problems. You will be taught a daily self-care protocol to prevent illness, maintain balance and benefit from crystal energy. Bring Yoga mat and a crystal sphere or ball to class. Wear comfortable loose clothing as we will be doing acupressure on ourselves.
Instructor- Remee Gemo

Crystal Identification

Crystals are a beautiful manifestation of Earth Energy.  We will focus on identification, recognizing crystals by their energy, how to decipher fake from authentic crystals. Learn the qualities, uses and healing properties of various crystals for healing, and to enhance your life.
Instructor- Remee Gemo

Crystal Intensive

2 hour crystal intensive: Crystals are a beautiful manifestation of Earth Energy. This class will focus on the function of different crystal Shapes, utilizing crystal grids for abundance, health and personal intentions, and crystal basics such as various methods of clearing and programming crystals.

Crystals 101

Crystals are a beautiful manifestation of earth energy, learn the qualities, uses and healing properties of various crystals for healing, feng shui and to enhance your life.
Instructor- Remee Gemo

Detoxification Plan: Spring Cleaning for Your Body

2 hour class: The body detoxifies in the spring and fall. Kick off your spring detox with this class that will show you subtle but effective methods of detoxifying the liver, kidneys, intestines, lungs and spleen easily and without starving yourself. Our detox promotes Chinese herbals, Eastern food therapy, self-massage and a variety of approachable methods to allow the body to detoxify safely.
Instructor- Remee Gemo

Enhancing Fertility with Food Therapy, Lifestyle Modifications According to Chinese Medicine

Learn how to enhance fertility and increasing chances of conceiving using Chinese Medicine theory.  Find out what types of foods are beneficial or detrimental to fertility and pregnancy.  Understand the effects of lifestyle choices such as sleep, exercise, environmental and emotional factors that impact fertility.  Hear case studies and explanations of how Chinese Medicine can benefit hormones, fertility, PCOS and pregnancy.
Instructor- Remee Gemo

Face Reading 101 Basics

A 2 hour introduction class to the Ancient Chinese science of Physiognomy or Face Reading.  Different areas and features of the face show health, personality traits, physical or emotional trauma as well as life patterns that may require resolution.  Lines, marks and wrinkles are areas of stuck energy, this energy is trapped until we address the cause of the “stuckness”.  Often this stuck energy relates to times we have been inauthentic to our true nature; transformation of this energy leads to self-discovery and healing on physical, mental, emotional and spiritual levels.  
Instructor- Remee Gemo, L.Ac., MSAOM, MFR

Face Reading: Ears- deciphering early childhood

Lend me your ear and I can tell you all about your early years, personality traits and genetic traits- this essential but often overlooked feature is important in sleuthing life patterns and your unique way of being in the world.
Instructor- Remee Gemo

Face Reading: Facial Shapes

In an ongoing class series learn the ancient art of face reading from a Master Face Reader. Face reading is a valuable tool for identifying old unresolved traumas, personality traits, talents, health imbalances and a method of guidance to uncover your true self. Bring a picture of someone you know well to read.
Instructor- Remee Gemo, L.Ac., MSAOM, MFR

Face Reading: Know the Nose

Ongoing class series, covering face reading feature by feature.  Learn the ancient art of face reading from a Master Face Reader.  Face reading is a valuable tool for identifying old unresolved traumas, discovering personality traits, talents, health imbalances and is a powerful method to uncover your true self. 
Instructor- Remee Gemo, L.Ac., MSAOM, MFR

Face Reading: Read My Lips

Face reading class focusing on the mouth and lips, identify the traits of various mouth shapes, learn how to change lip shape and what imbalances may exist with different variations of the mouth.   Learn the ancient art of face reading from a Master Face Reader. Face reading is a valuable tool for identifying old unresolved traumas, discovering personality traits, talents, health imbalances and is a powerful method to uncover your true self. 
Instructor-Remee Gemo, L.Ac., MSAOM, MFR

Face Reading: The Eyes Have it

Face reading class focusing on the eyes, find out how to tell if someone is lying, what personalities are displayed by various eye shapes and how to read or spirit in the eyes.  Learn the ancient art of face reading from a Master Face Reader.  Face reading is a valuable tool for identifying old unresolved traumas, discovering personality traits, talents, health imbalances and is a powerful method to uncover your true self.
Instructor- Remee Gemo, L.Ac., MSAOM, MFR

Face Reading for Group Dynamics, Dating and Relationships

No need to look for the keys to romance when you can just look at their faces! Find out why you get along with some people and not others. Determine what challenges you have in your romantic relationships, and figure out how to improve relationships by utilizing aspects of face reading.  By analyzing your face, we can decipher what facial type is your optimum match.  Bring photos of 2 people you are interested in profiling.  If you are not currently in a relationship find out what facial features to look for in a partner.  
Instructor- Remee Gemo

Five Sexual Personalities According to Chinese Theory

Five elements is an ancient Chinese method of explaining the interactions of energies in the natural world. I often say that’s If you know the 5 elements you can rule the world as 5 element theory can extend to all things such as politics, economics, health and of course sex. In this class, we will be characterizing sexual personalities according to the 5 elements.  This includes ways to find compatible partners, seduction methods for different types, sexual preferences and dislikes of each type.  
Instructor- Remee Gemo

Food As Medicine: Common Foods for Common Ailments

Learn how Eastern Nutritional Therapy uses food as medicine.  We will cover many foods available in your local market and how they can benefit ailments like headache, low immune system, PMS, fatigue, sleeplessness, anxiety, depression, body pain, skin disorders, infertility, digestive disorders and more.  If there is a disorder you would like to discuss the food therapy prescription, please notify EMC when you RSVP.
Instructor- Remee Gemo

Foot Reflexology

Fun class for partners and husbands!  Learn how to treat the entire body from the feet. Understand how internal organs and body parts are mapped out on the foot.  Methods of stimulating reflexive zones and treatments for common illness and health maintenance will be covered.
Instructor- Remee Gemo

Herbology: Magical Mythology of common herbs

What herb helps clear negative energy, which herbs are great for protecting your home, what herb do you use to bring in abundance? Find out in this class on the atypical applications of herbs, including their lore, magical mythology and energetic applications.

Intuition Development: Chakras

Learn what chakras are, how they pertain to our life and health, what imbalances in chakras manifest as and simple techniques to manage our energetic health.  We will learn to do scanning for them with the hands, interpreting chakra imbalances and chakra self-care. 
Instructor- Remee Gemo

Intuition Development: Clairsentience

Train, develop and enhance your intuitive abilities with basic to advanced techniques, practice exercises, and helpful tips to expand your intuitive abilities. Instructor- Remee Gemo

Intuition Development: Clairvoyance

Train, develop and enhance your intuitive abilities with basic to advanced techniques, practice exercises, and helpful tips to expand your intuitive abilities. Clairvoyance or psychic seeing is one of the more prominent of the psychic senses.   We will practice remote viewing and mini-readings.
Instructor- Remee Gemo

Intuition Development: How to use a Pendulum and Crystals as tools in your intuitive practice

Learn how to effectively and accurately use a pendulum for finding health imbalances, translating your subconscious wisdom and dowsing for items.  Crystals will be taught as tools for enhancing the energy in a space, ways to set up a crystal layout to support an intent and which crystal combinations work best in these applications.
Instructor- Remee Gemo

Intuition Development: Psychic Protection

Sign up early for this popular class!  Do you feel overwhelmed by the energy of others, experience emotions unreasonable to your situation, do you have physical symptoms that seem to manifest after interactions with different places or people--you may be energetically sensitive.  We will be covering methods to psychically and energetically keep you clear, grounded and secure, how to deal with & psychic vampires & or people who leave you drained or worse after interacting with them, what to do about dealing with physical or emotional symptoms that are not yours but you have picked up empathically and how to secure your home and self from negative energy and negative entities. This class will show you methods to psychically and energetically keep you clear, grounded and secure. 
Instructor- Remee Gemo

Intuition Development: Psychometry

Also known as & Psychic Touch & the ability to read an object's history or the history of those who have handled it. Often used in cases of missing persons, we will practice exercises to hone sensitivities.  Please bring 1–3 items that belong to someone else you know well.
Instructor- Remee Gemo

Intuitive Development: Your Intuitive Team Guides, Angels and Ascended Masters

An overview of intuitive helpers; guides, Angels, Ascended Masters, how to recognize their signs and when to incorporate them into your work and how to access them.
Instructor- Remee Gemo

Magic of Manifestation

Learn how to manifest your dreams and manipulate energy and fortune to propel them into reality. We will discuss phrasing of manifestations, rituals of manifestation and the mindset of manifestations. Instructor- Remee Gemo

R.E.M.I. Healing Arts: Food as Medicine

Chinese food therapy is a method of using food energetics as a healing tool. Based on 5 elemental theory, the healing properties of food will be discussed. Learn food cures for a variety of ailments, how to eat according to the seasons or 5 elements, and what todo in cases of imbalance. Instructor- Remee Gemo

R.E.M.I. Healing Arts: Medical Intuition 

Not to be used as replacement for advice from a medical doctor...but if you would like to use your intuitive senses to aid in identifying various disease patterns, imbalances and energetic origins of disease, take this class.  Very useful for maintaining health, preventative healthcare and as a diagnostic tool.  Common mental and physical disorders covered. Instructor- Remee Gemo

Reflexology- Hands

Learn how to treat the entire body from the hands. Understand how internal organs and body parts are mapped out on the hand. Methods of stimulating reflexive zones and treatments for common illness and health maintenance will be covered.  
Instructor- Remee Gemo

Reiki I

Reiki I is the first of the Reiki series. It is an introduction to the history, uses, and basics of Reiki. Learn how to heal yourself and others with healing energy. Learn to utilize universal healing energy for relaxation, pain management, reduced anxiety, reduced depression, enhanced intuition and better over-all well being.  cost: $275 (3 hours)
Instructor- Remee Gemo

Reiki II:

Learn to administer healing energy for a variety of physical and emotional benefits such as relaxation, pain management, anxiety/depression reduction and enhancing intuition. You will become more familiar with how to fashion a Reiki session, how to do healing from oceans away and also how to send Reiki to the future and to the past. Learn distance and other healing symbols to become a Reiki practitioner.  Member of International Association of Reiki Professionals and International Center for Reiki Training. cost: $275 (2 hours)
Instructor- Remee Gemo

Reiki Master

Earn the title of Reiki Master and learn the last of the Reiki symbols, a variety of treatment methods, case study reviews and clinical applications of Reiki.  Member of International Association of Reiki Professionals and International Center for Reiki Training.  cost: $325 (3 hours)
Instructor- Remee Gemo

Sex for Health and Longevity According to Chinese Philosophy

Chinese philosophy and ancient healing techniques extend into all aspects of life including sex.  Learn about how sex can be used as a method of cultivating energy, healing or improving certain disorders and to invigorate your life force.  
Instructor- Remee Gemo

Space Clearing: Techniques Beyond Sage

Don’t just spring clean, space clear! Get those grouchy energetic dust bunniesout of their hiding places, clear the air so your aura can breathe and cleanse out all the old left over emotional residue. Learn about tools and methods to replace residual stale stuck energy with a vibrant flow of clearer energies. Useful tips for the workplace, home and even your vehicle. Recipes for clearing, programming a space and sealing good energy in. Instructor- Remee Gemo Just in time for your Spring cleaning...learn about several tools and a variety of methods to replace residual stale, stuck energy with a vibrant flow of clearer energies. Useful tips for the workplace, home and even your vehicle. Recipes for clearing, programming a space and sealing good energy in.  
Instructor- Remee Gemo

CURRENTLY UNAVAILABLE: Acupuncture Face L.I.F.T. Session

Experience a mini- session of facial rejuvenation acupuncture to get a sense of how acupuncture can improve lines, sagging and encourage a youthful glow.  These sessions are an abridged version of the popular L.I.F.T. Facial acupuncture. This treatment is done in a group acupuncture setting and seated.  To be a candidate for this session you must have no bleeding disorders, no high blood pressure problems or epilepsy.  Please reserve your spot as space is limited and this is an extremely popular treatment.  Instructor- Remee Gemo


Group Face Reading -all you need to bring is your face.  Perfect setting for learning face reading as you will be read and will be privy to others facial features being read. Chinese face reading is an accurate, efficient method for gathering information about health, personality, areas of stuck emotions, undiscovered talents and forecasting of life events by patterns deciphered via Chinese five element philosophy. EMC’s Master FaceReader, Remee Gemo will be teaching and giving short face readings to exemplify traits.  You can also attend if you would just like to be a fly on the wall-just let us know you would not like to be read when you reserve your spot.  Six person limit- sign up soon as this event fills quickly.
Instructor- Remee Gemo

CURRENTLY UNAVAILABLE: Intuitive Arts: Prayer Shawl Meditation

Bring your knitting needles, yarn and good intentions to take part in this high vibration knitting-fest. Enjoy tea and good company while knitting this simple prayer shawl pattern and learning methods to imbue it with positive “qi” (good energy). You must know how to knit, purl and cast on; bring about 400 meters/440yards of yarn (about 2 skeins- pattern is very forgiving and can be adjusted to varying sizes and yarn lengths) and the appropriate sized needles for the yarn you have chosen.
Instructor- Remee Gemo

CURRENTLY UNAVAILABLE: Reiki / R.E.M.I. : Supervised Practice Clinic:

Practice what you’ve learned in a supervised clinical setting.  Please RSVP by the Sunday before class so that we can schedule clients for the clinic.  Invaluable transitional class into building confidence in your practice by providing a clinical experience fully supervised; covering client consultation, ethics, conducting a complete treatment and client retention methods. cost: $90 Instructor- Remee Gemo
You will be treating 1-2 clients in the therapy of your choice-crystal therapy, Reiki, Intuitive consultations or R.E.M.I. techniques.  Bring the tools of your chosen modality.