Top 5 Things People Ask in a Psychic Reading

Psychic Readings by Remee L. Gemo

In Richmond, Virginia. Serving worldwide on Zoom.


Top 5 things people ask in a psychic reading:

Technology and Zoom have allowed me to do readings for people all over the world, in Europe, North America, Asia and across the United States. The common thread amongst my readings for all those in different corners of the world is their search for knowledge beyond the five senses. Psychic Readings sometimes called intuitive or clairvoyant readings are helpful tools to grant guidance, inspiration, healing and may other benefits to those looking for information. There are many different questions people ask but here are the main themes of inquiry and an example of some of the subjects that you can inquire about when you set up your psychic reading.

#5 How many kids will I have?

This is a common question with the under 40 crowd. Number of children in most people is fairly easy to see. Often there will we energetic signatures of souls of children that are in “cue” for a person. This can vary according to the person’s timeframes, for example if someone is not ready to have children but there are two children currently in cue for the near future care must be taken that no accidental pregnancies occur as there is a higher probability at this time for pregnancy (of twins possibly!). Or if the timeframe passes for those souls in cue they may move on to another family, but others may show up in the future at a more appropriate time for that person.

Another unique aspect of a psychic reading is being able to tell what the personality of the child in utero is, this often comes up when I have pregnant patients. The energy of the baby is readable at this stage so one can tell if a child will be introvert, extrovert, intense, laid back, docile or dynamic among other traits. I once did a psychic reading for a pregnant woman in Austin, TX and I had mentioned that her baby was going to be super athletic, always on the go, very energetic and extroverted. She didn’t know what sex the baby was but assumed it would be a boy with those traits, thinking that all daughters are sweet and calm. I ran into her a few years later with her rambunctious 3 year old daughter, who was climbing on things in the restaurant, talking in a loud voice and was very energetic. My patient said all I had predicted about her child was true and it was her own assumptions about girls only being calm natured that taught her that not all little girls are made of sugar, some are made more of spice.

#4 What can you tell me about my love life?

This is the question that appears at the beginning or end of a relationship. I was called by a woman from the United Kingdom to give her more information about her then estranged husband. She was particularly concerned about how she would raise their daughter alone financially since he plead that he was broke from bad business deals. I intuitively sensed that there was another woman that he was very “close" to and had been hiding money from his legal wife. She later reported back that he indeed had been hiding a small fortune. Her psychic reading caused her to looked for a paper trail for the money, which she found and so it became part of the child support in their divorce.

In another case a divorcee from North Carolina asked about her love life in the midst of the Covid pandemic, understandably concerned with finding a life partner in such a limiting situation. I saw that she would have a relationship with someone from her past as well as two children to fill her home. She was surprised and a little doubtful of how that would happen but took note. I saw her in a class a few months later happily showing off an engagement ring and explaining that she had run into a friend from high school and they had just clicked. He had two children from a previous marriage that adored her and she was looking forward to starting a life with a new family.

Sometimes people just need a little hope to help them hang in there and not give up. Psychic readings can often see opportunities that have not presented themselves or extra information that might be pertinent to a relationship.

#3 Am I on the right path?

I actually receive this question from people of all ages. A few years ago a very successful lawyer from California had come to me while she was undergoing chemotherapy treatments. She asked if she should be an author instead of a lawyer, since she had always loved to write. I took a look at the energies of the different career paths and let her know that her energy flowed so much more strongly with the author path. She started writing again and recovered in a remarkably short amount of time, even the doctors were amazed. Recently I was very pleased to see one of her books at a local bookstore under the new book section.

People sometimes need validation or guidance as to the best option for their life path. In consulting with their guides, higher self and looking over their life path in a psychic reading one can extrapolate the best information about which path is in alignment with their best life.

#2 What does the future hold in store for me?

Everyone is curious about the future. With psychic readings as with any other area of consulting forecasts are guidelines to determine the highest probable outcome. Additionally, a psychic reading may reveal unforeseen situations, areas of caution or provide guidance to create the best possible outcome.

When I read for people a variety of information comes through. Some information presents as a stronger or more congruent vibration than others for the individual I am reading for, therefore; indicating the most likely outcome. The predictions help to put worries and fears to rest. They can also help people best prepare for the future. The unknown is often an uncomfortable place as there is no sense of control. A prediction, even if related to things beyond our control, at least gives us control in how we react to it.

#1. They have passed on but can you ask them….?

Spirit communication or talking to those that have died is the number one inquiry I receive in my readings. I did a psychic reading for a young woman in Richmond, Virginia whose brother had died in a violent attack and she wanted to know if he suffered and if he had messages for his children. He sent her a message that he was fine, and not to worry as he did not suffer in his passing. He also conveyed a special message for each of his children regarding how he was always there by their side in spirit watching over them if they ever needed him.

In another psychic reading I read for a widow in Ireland that wanted to know where her husband had stashed his coin collection. Luckily it was exactly where her husband said it would be in the reading and they averted a many hours of hunting through the house for his collection.

In a psychic reading with a gentleman in New York he wanted to connect with his father who was on the other side of the veil. His father came through strongly ready to talk. His father wanted to let him know all the things he wished he had said before he passed away when his son was 14. This moved the gentleman to tears and he mentioned that it was as if he could feel his father in the room during the reading. Loss is difficult and so is lack of closure, the messages sent from their loved ones help bring understanding and guidance and peace to help heal hearts.

If you have any of these inquiries or would like to have a psychic reading please contact me here or at the link below. We do sessions over the phone, online or over Zoom so you can get an intuitive reading from anywhere on the globe.

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from $180.00

Offering clarity, peace and healing through intuitive and psychic readings, spirit communication, spiritual guidance, life path readings and spirit guide sessions.

As a psychic intuitive I am able to connect with and access information from other times, places and those persons now beyond the veil to catalyze healing between the worlds. Some call it channeling, mediumship, talking to those that have passed on, but I like to call it spirit communication. Helping people connect with loved ones in order to get closure, providing details for unsolved cases, finding out health information in mystery diseases and identifying another’s psychic gifts are just a few of the topics that can be addressed.


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