Remote Reiki


Remote Reiki

from $180.00

A remote session of Reiki is effective, safe and just as powerful as in person Reiki. Reiki uses divine healing energy therefore time and space cannot contain the effects of its healing. Reiki is a method by which universal healing energy is being used to encourage the body’s recuperation, efficiency and improve the mood or repair the auric and physical body.  Reiki is beneficial in many ways some of which are the treatment of mental emotional disorders, boosting the immune system, improving energy levels, management of pain, stress relief and harmonizing emotions. Your Reiki practitioner will call you before the session, then will conduct the Reiki while you rest comfortably and then will call you at the end to discuss your session and other details of imbalances, auric cleansing, and any messages received during your session.


We also offer discounted Multiple Session Packages, please select at below:

3 - 60min sessions - $525 ($175/visit)
6 - 60min sessions - $1020 ($170/visit)
9 - 60min sessions - $1485 ($165/visit)
12 - 60min sessions - $1920 ($160/visit)

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